Friday 21st May
Friday 21st May
What to do in the event of a fire
If you discover a fire - Raise the alarm
By pushing the front panel of the nearest break glass call point, there is one located at every exit door, you should make yourself aware of the locations of the call points.
Call the Fire Service – 999
After raising the alarm or when you hear the fire alarm evacuate the building of customers and staff
It is the responsibility of the staff to make sure customers and visitors are evacuated from the area. You will need to identify your nearest and safest exit route to the assembly point at the notice board in the main yard. Make yourself familiar with the location of the assembly point and how to get there, even if this is not the most direct route.
Turn off any hazardous machinery
If you are kitchen staff the centre island needs to be switched off before you evacuate, this can be done by pressing and turning the red centre island button located next to the oven, this will turn off the fryer, hobs and griddle preventing further fires from starting.
Head to the nearest and safest fire exit/exit door
Make sure your exit is clear and there is a safe route to the Fire Assembly Point.
Meet at the Fire Assembly Point
This is in the additional car park next to the pigs. Make yourself familiar with the location of the assembly point and how to get there.
Do not re-enter the building until advised to by the Fire Service