Friday 21st May
Friday 21st May
Toolbox Talks
Toolbox talks do not protect employers, but they do help to protect employees.
SGTT15 - exposure to hazardous substances
Many workplace activities involve the use of substances which could harm our health unless precautions are taken. Common substances such as chemicals, cement, adhesives, solvents, cleaning materials, etc, all pose a risk.
The Control of Substances Hazardous to Health Regulations (COSHH for short), place duties on employers and employees. They set out a sensible step-by-step approach for the control of hazardous substances and for protecting people exposed to them.
• Your health could be affected by a hazardous substance through—ingestion, inhalation or absorption
• Mixing chemicals and substances can create a hazardous careful and only mix if it is a safe authorised process
Control Measures
• Follow the correct guidelines set out in the COSHH folder in the office containing the relevant information and safety data sheets for harmful substances kept on site. This should be read annually or before any tasks are undertaken by a new member of staff
• Safe Handling of Chemicals poster displayed in chemical storage areas
• Employees must take reasonable care of their own health and safety and that of others, always read the label on any substance and follow the instructions carefully
• Employees must tell their supervisor immediately if they are unsure about a substance or have a health problem
• Always wear the correct PPE, i.e. gloves, goggles, overalls, etc. Look after it and make sure you know how to use it
• Make sure hazardous substances are put back in the correct storage area after use and are not left lying around
• Practice good hand care, remove contamination promptly, wash hands after use
• Don’t store hazardous substances above head height
Examples of Hazardous Substances are:
• Cleaning Products
• Hot Tub Chemicals
• Solvents
• Fuel
• Epoxy-based paints
• Concrete admixtures
• Hardwood dust
• Welding fumes
• Lime
• Asbestos Correct PPE Depending on the hazardous substance the type of PPE worn can change.
You must always read the label on any substance for further information and follow the instructions carefully. When working with chemicals such as toxic fumes masks and eye protection should be worn at all times.
SGTT16 - Storage & use of fuels and oils
Petrol, Diesel and Oils inappropriately used, stored or disposed of can give rise to pollution of the environment, generally these substances are released into the environment through spillages during delivery or use through waste materials being poured into drains, watercourse or burned.
So why should we do this?
Avoid prosecution: if pollution is caused then a prosecution may follow.
Avoid environmental harm: Petrol, Diesel and Oil are highly harmful to plants, animals and yourselves.
Cost: the cost of cleaning up and the legal proceedings following an incident far exceeds the cost of having in place the correct control measures
• DO store bulk Petrol, Diesel and Oil in bunded tanks and store smaller containers on drip trays that have 110% capacity of the largest container
• DO store fuels and oils away from drains and water courses
• DO replace lids on containers after use
• DO not use damage or leaky containers
• DON’T refuel or store fuels and oils within 10 metres of a watercourse
• DON’T leave bunds and drip trays to overflow
• DO use automatic shut off pistol grip delivery systems when refuelling from tanks and bowsers
• DO return containers to the stores when complete
• DO ensure all refuelling is attended and at least 10m away from a watercourse
• DO keep tanks and Bowsers locked after use for security as well
• DO use trip trays underneath all static plant and refuelling operations
• DO attend to any spillages
• DO use funnels when refuelling small items of plant
• DON’T leave hoses and ‘guns’ outside of the bunded tank/bowser after use
• DON’T leave refuelling operations unattended at any time
• DON’T leave containers open
• DON’T leave containers in an area where they can be damaged or vandalised
• DON’T ignore any spillages
• Ask your supervisor what to do with waste fuels and oils before disposal.
• DON’T dispose of waste fuels and oil’s by discharging into drains and gullies