Friday 21st May
Friday 21st May
Toolbox Talks
Toolbox talks do not protect employers, but they do help to protect employees.
SGTT11 - avoiding electrical shocks
Electrical hazards can be found in all industries. Avoiding electrical shocks both at home and at work requires awareness of the hazards and a respect for this "Silent Killer." The human body has a low resistance to electricity, making it a good conductor, like most metals. Unlike metals however, the human body does not respond well when electricity passes through it. Physical results include thermal burns, disruption of normal heart activity, severe muscle contractions, and even death.
The most common and serious electrical injuries occur when electrical current flows between the hands and feet. This happens when a person touches an energised line. The electrical energy is looking for the shortest path to the ground, and it will pass through the body to the feet to reach it. When this occurs, a person’s heart and lungs are frequently damaged by the electrical energy.
Placing an insulator between the energy and the point of physical contact is one method of protection. Porcelain, rubber, pottery and dry wood offer substantial resistance to the flow of electricity, and are therefore good insulators.
These materials can often protect a person from electrical shock.
Precautions for avoiding electrical shocks include, but are not limited to, the following:
• Always make sure electric tools are properly earthed or double insulated. The double insulated tool must have an undamaged outer case and be clearly labelled as "double insulated" by the manufacturer.
• Always check to be sure the earthing system is complete. Unless they are designated as double insulated, earthed/grounded power tools must be attached to an earthed/grounded service circuit. If there is any doubt about the earthing, test it! (Earth testers are inexpensive.)
• Use heavy duty earthed extension cords. These cords have two layers of insulation, with reinforcement between the layers. They are less susceptible to damage than house-hold type cords. To check if the cord is heavy duty, check its shape.
• Avoid mixing water and electricity! Not only keep extension leads, tools and working/walking surfaces dry, keep your hands and feet dry as well. The electrical resistance of wet skin is at least 100 times less than dry skin. Wet skin greatly increases the likelihood of severe shock if a person comes in contact with a live circuit. If you must work around water, connect to an RCD, Residual Current Device, to automatically shut off the current if there is an abnormal current flow.
• Never work on or around a live electrical circuit. Lock Out the power so that only you have control over energising the machine or equipment. Don't take chances.
• PAT testing, make sure your tools, extension leads and any portable appliances are regularly pat tested and carry out visual inspections before use. Remember, electricity strikes without warning-always play it safe!
SGTT12 - Leptospirosis (weil's disease)
It’s all about Rats!
In general, leptospirosis is uncommon in the UK. There are usually 50-60 cases per year in England and Wales - about one case per million of the population per year.
There are two types of leptospirosis infections that can affect workers within the UK:
• Weil’s disease – a serious and potentially fatal infection that is transmitted to humans by contact with urine from infected rats.
• Hardjo form of leptospirosis – Transmitted from cattle to humans.
The symptoms for both diseases start with an Influenza-like illness with a persistent and severe headache and possibly chills. Later symptoms are can lead to vomiting, muscle pains and ultimately to jaundice, meningitis and kidney failure. In rare cases the disease can be fatal. You are at risk if as part of your work you are likely to come into contact with rats, rats or cattle urine or to fetal fluids from cattle is at risk.
How can you become infected?
• The bacteria can enter your body through cuts and scratches and through the lining of the mouth, throat and eyes after contact with urine or contaminated water such as that in sewers, ditches, drains, ponds and slow flowing rivers and water ways.
How can you prevent becoming infected?
• Don’t encourage rats – dispose of all your rubbish correctly.
• Don’t handle the carcases of deceased rats without unprotected hands, whenever possible use a shovel or other tool.
• Avoid inadvertent entry or immersion into water that could be infected – If this happens or you ingest any water you suspect is infected see a doctor as a matter of urgency
• Wash cuts and grazes immediately with soap and running water and cover all cuts and broken skin with waterproof plasters both before and during work.
• Wear the protective equipment you are provided with.
• During work avoid rubbing your nose, mouth or eyes, wash your hands, forearms and all other exposed areas of skin thoroughly after completion of the task(s).
• Remove any wet protective clothing as soon as is possible, before eating and smoking and after handling contaminated clothing.
What else can you do?
• Report any illness to your doctor.
• Inform your doctor about your work Leptospirosis is much less severe when treated promptly
• If your doctor confirms that you have contracted Leptospirosis YOU must inform your employer who will need to report it to the Health and Safety Executive
REMEMBER: Leptospirosis can be fatal typically within four to six weeks, if the early symptoms are not diagnosed and treated