Friday 21st May
Friday 21st May
Operating within a Covid -19 environment we have a responsibility to protect both staff and visitors.
The additional measures outlined below are to ensure a safe environment for all while enjoying your stay at the Secret Garden.
Please avoid coming to the office wherever possible, if you have any questions or concerns we are available by telephone at any time on 01945 585044 or 07970 657824 or by email.
To maintain social distancing your total balance must be paid in full before you arrive on site, please call the office on 01945 585044 or pay by bank transfer.
Account Name: SNP Sales Limited T/AS The Secret Garden
Account: 42553597
Sort Code: 40-36-15
Please do not arrive before 1.30pm, this gives the previous occupants chance to vacate and maintain social distancing on site.
We will email you before your arrival to give you directions to your pitch, if you are visiting us for the first time and need to be escorted to your pitch please pull into the main entrance and call us on the numbers above to let us know of your arrival.
The site will be encouraging cashless payments where possible, please bring a contactless card with you to use at the shop.
Reception is located in the new pub building which is located at the end of the office near the tunnels. The pub / reception is covid friendly with open sides to allow air flow. Hand sanitiser is available in this area with seating set out according to social distancing guidelines.
Unfortunately we are unable to continue with Beer and Sausage tasting on Saturdays, but The Secret Beer Garden on Friday and Saturday nights will be in full swing this year offering entertainment and street food and of course the bar will be open.
To maintain social distancing and follow the current guidelines we are advising that you do not have any visitors to your pitch while you are staying with us. However, if you would like visitors please call the office to check this is possible and to inform us of their contact details for track and trace purposes, the 1 meter or more rule must also be observed during the visit.
Make sure to bring an adequate personal supply of hand soap, cleaning products, toilet rolls and hand sanitiser with you.
Social distancing and mask wearing must be maintained on site where appropriate, please observe the 1 meter or more rule during encounters with members of staff or other campers.
If social distancing is not observed then for the safety of our staff and other visitors you will be asked to leave the site and no refunds will be issued.
Personal hygiene must be kept to a high standard, please wash your hands regularly with soap and water for at least 20 seconds and dry them thoroughly. Use alcohol based handrub if you don’t have immediate access to soap and water and avoid touching your face.
The main symptoms of covid 19 are a high temperature, a new, continuous cough and a loss or change to your sense of smell or taste. If you experience any of these symptoms before you are due to arrive please stay at home, self-isolate and inform us you can no longer make it for your stay.
If you experience any of the above symptoms whilst on site you and your family members must stay on your pitch, keep 2 or more meters away from other people, call NHS 111 immediately and inform the office by telephone of the advice you have been given.