Friday 21st May
Friday 21st May
Risk Assessments
A risk assessment is a systematic process of identifying hazards and evaluating any associated risks within a workplace, then implementing reasonable control measures to remove or reduce them.
What are the Hazards?
Exposure to substances hazardous to health
Who can be harmed & how?
Campers, employees & visitors
What are you already doing (to minimise risk)
Less hazardous chemicals used wherever possible
Safety data sheet for harmful substances obtained from supplier and guidance followed
Appropriate PPE provided
Chemicals stored appropriately and access restricted when in use, cleaning and jobs requiring the use of substances undertaken at off peak times where possible
All containers in original packaging and clearly labelled
Always read the labels before using harmful substances
Toolbox talk conducted on the use of hazardous substances and reviewed yearly
Safe handling of chemicals poster displayed in all storage areas of substances that could be/are hazardous to health
What further action is necessary?
None, sufficient measures are in place
High Risk
Action by who?
Employees are made aware of risks by means of toolbox talks renewed yearly or before tasks being undertaken by any new employees
Action by when?
Benefits for people and/or environment if any